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first day of school....
Monday, January 4, 2010
6:29 PM

HELLO! so as we all know, school has started! hahah i guess its okay? but not something we want right! haha my class pretty coool. and they dont like pink?! and purple. gosh why not! haahah anyway, classes was alright i guess? but im not sure if i can really say that? cause i was practically not in class i only in class for SS,physics and chinese. HAHAH OMG SS teacher, mr wong, damn funny! hahah he like blur and yet childish. haha but he's cool. my jhee, physics i guess he's alright? but he gave us a test! haahah well its just on how well we remember our stuff from last year, and im guessing we dont remember much ? haahah but he abit lame but then again ,who isnt?! hahaha then chinese, im in F class. hahah awesome right. our teacher is the HOD. hahah are we that bad that they need the HOD to teach us? hahah but she didnt come in, so i have no idea how she is like. i hope she is nice to me, considering the fact that i wont understand her. hahah but its only the first day of school, there are alot more days to go. hahah but yup. anyway, i have to read geog now. my teacher gave us homework already! we have to read chapters and im not sure up to where even! sighhh.. better get started!oh yeah! forgot, my class ,1/7 hahah pretty cool class man, not bad pretty enthu and stuff but hopefully they will get more bonded and more comfortable with each other :D and hopefully we would have been good PSL's for them :D anyway i better go now. BYE!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
2:05 PM
HEY! hahha im back....... gosh, im eating alot! im gonna grow uberly fat and then have to join TAF club next year. hahahaha aiya, i want to exercise tomorrow and i WILL. hahah or will the sleepiness and laziness take over me. hahaha we'll seee. but im serious! the food here is damn awesome but super big. my mum and i have to share 1 portion and with that portion, we would be super duper full! like imagine how big that can be. hhahaha but its uberly nice, therefore, GOOD FOOD+BIG PORTIONS=OVEREATING~GROWING FAT. hahaha that is my mathematical equation for today. haha i just got a great idea, im gonna post like equations as my title everytime i post. hhaahah cool right?! i know. hahaha guess what we ate for dinner !? VIETNAMESE DINNER! hahah damn nice, but damn alot. therefore, damn full. hahahaha but its so fun here, i love COSTCO! hahaha like my mum can literally buy everything. we went there yesterday.. and guess how much my mum spent?! $173.11 thats in U.S dollars but singapore is 1.5 more . so imagine that. hahahah somemore, we dont even live here and imagine how much she bought. welll okay , i wouldnt say SO much, BUT she also bought some jeans, like the levi's one . yeah, so uh huh. then today we were at CVS .gosh. hahaha we bought alot too. then my mother bought 2 pairs of levi's jeans for my brothers! EACH! hahaha well i dont really care, cause if you know what i know , A GIRL'S GOT TO HAVE MORE. hahaha, if you know what i mean :D * wink wink* .tomorrow im supposedly going to the grove? my mum said its where all the high end stuff are at and that all the famous actors/actresses shop at. hahah so HOPEFULLY! i can see a famous star( other than myself) hahaha. anyway, today, we are back rather early, which is good so i can sleep more ;D hahaha anyway, i shall go now. BYE!

im loving it!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
3:48 AM
HEY! hahahah gosh ,its been so long since i blogged, well im guessing cause im all the way here in the united states of america!? hahah nah, i cant like blog on my phone. i dont know why but it just doesnt let me type what i want to blog about, but it lets me t type the title? hahaha lame right? anyway, the trip has been going fan-ta-bu-lous! hahaha been going to alot of outlets, and obviously shopping! now im in LA , in my aunts and uncle's house, tita joy and tito rommel. hahah and gosh, its raining now. because its raining, we cant go out. ughh. anyway, my cousin,miko, is damn cute! ahaahah but now he's in school. so yup. he comes out later. yup yup. hahaahh man i miss everyone. i miss my dog too. that time i was talking to her on the phone ( welll TRYING to) my maid said she was just licking the phone. hahaha well maybe she knows its me ? or she just likes the taste of the phone. hhahahah . omg people! hows my surprise party coming along?! hahaha it must be uberly cool and nice! okay! i trust yall. if not, i will punch yall. hahah nah kidding. but im just saying....... :D hahaha so icome back on the 23. then a few days more, its CHRISTMAS! haahah then its NEW YEARS! then it SCHOOL :( hahahah blah blah blah, school schmool. i hope there would be danceworks! i hope i get in :D hahaha okay, i think i should stop now , cause its a rather long post, and long posts normally dont get read cause its too long? hahaha okay oaky have fun in singapore ! BYE!

Party in the usa!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
1:25 PM

Sunday, November 22, 2009
1:35 PM

HELLO! alrighty, OMG day of fun was damn fun ! hahah i got sunburn :D haah not bad la. like pretty girl with like redish face even more hot right! hahaah anyway, guess what! im leaving tomorrow ;( haah kill me, i dont want to pack and neither do i want to sit on the plane for 1 freaking day! haah ill die of boredom like mad! haah but well thats how i would have to get there right? oh wells :( hahaa im gonna miss everyone ;( like 1 month without any of my friends. like its uberly cool im going US for 1 month but yet, i wont see my friends for so long! shityy shit shit. well yeah. but hopefully when i come back, i wont just ONLY be back, I HOPE I HAVE MY SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY! haahah like it would be the bomb yo! haahah awesome right. well its up to them if they want to plan it for me and surprise me ;D haah i hope they do. and i would seriosuly love them ah! haahah, anyway, enough bout me. KIM THE KEWL LEFT FOR HONG KONG ALREADY! HAAH IM GUESSING SHE IS THERE ALREADY? i dont know, she left in the morning at 8 there, so yup, i hope she has fun yo! AND WILL BUY ME A PREZZIE WEZZZIE! haah hope so, cross fingers man. hmm i am waiting for the com to upload the day of fun pics from yesterday, kim took alot of weird pics. haahah but ill upload all! haah cause im so nice. yup, so i shall wait for it, make my list of things, then pack :( meanwhile, yall can like think about what to say to me before i leave. haahha i would be at the airport at 4am! tomorrow. haah so yup:D alrighty WILL MISS YALL! ALREADY STARTING TO! BYE!

Friday, November 20, 2009
8:01 PM
HELLO ! hahha i am back! like omg ! its been super long since i blog, like so sad right! hahha now i am in church and cl peeps are having carolling and they sound pretty good! hahah but better if im in it. hahaha anyway, like its been pretty cool so far, like not been doing much but because all the excitement would be when i go to US which would be on monday! whoopee! arent you happy for me?! well if youre not then go and die! OMG i am pretty freezing cold right now but the mac of jacinta is keeping me warm and its a nice feeling. hahaha! omg i really am gonna misss all the people, like my friends and all when i go to US! hmmm well i have 2 more days! oh yeah! today, we practiced the dance haha not bad uh. abit like amateur but its uberly gonna be rocking once its done! hhaha omg we have some UNIVERSAL MOVE hahha its cool but like gabriel keeps wanting to show people our universal move, but like then it wont be so universal if everyone knows how it looks like?! then like they wont be so like surprised?! haha must wow them ! HAVE NO FEAR! WE ARE HERE! haah our name not yet confirm, hahaha so wait till then! hmmm anyway, carolling is gonna end soon meaning my free time with the com, is gone. hahaha so i shall stop now! BYE!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
9:18 PM

HELLO! haahh gosh! i think i seriously love justin bieber's songs la. haahahah awesome man! haah and plus he is damn cute! haahah anyway, school is ending in 3 days! :( :) hahah both happy that hols are starting soon but sad that we wont be sec 2's anymroe. hahaha man! hahah the leadership programmes was uber long! 9 hours! haha it was boring yet okay. haah so it equals to NEUTRAL haahah whatever. then had to go to dance. haahah not bad uh. he reblock me :D haahah not bad la. but damn tiring cause like nobody has gone out of the dance so far, meaning like go out of stage. haah and its damn killer! haahha anyway, i just made cookies just now. haha awesome! haah cornflake cookies :D hahaha okay, i shall go now ! BYE!